Message From The CEO

Dr. Nadeem Akhtar
Chief Executive Officer
Quality costs but poor quality costs higher. This is true for every sphere of life; however, in the health sector, its importance cannot be overemphasized. It ensures the safety of patients as well as health care providers. Patient safety is not new in the medical field but is a relatively newer concept for the general public. Regulation of health care services is now a priority at the national and provincial government level. In order to ensure the quality of care and safety in the health care system of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the provincial government established the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Healthcare Commission (KP HCC) to regulate the Health Care Establishments (HCEs), both in public and private sectors in the province, to improve quality of health care, and ensure the safety of patients and health care providers.
The KP HCC envisions to be the leading accreditation body of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Regulating healthcare services is a challenging task and the Health care Commission is in the process of making the general environment conducive, where the HCEs strive voluntarily for maintaining and improving quality.
Patients’ safety is a priority and HCC is determined to ensure it through the eradication of quackery. We are conducting anti-quackery activities throughout the province. However, to eradicate this menace and ensure the safety of patients, it is a social obligation of the people not to get treatment from quacks. Let us join hands to identify and discourage quacks to practice medicine for safer healthcare services in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.