The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Care Commission (KP HCC) is an autonomous body established through the Act, 2015. The KP HCC is governed by the Board of Commissioners. The Commission is led by the Chief Executive Officer and implementation is carried out through five directorates, namely, Clinical Governance, Licensing & Registration, Patients’ Rights & Complaints, Operations, and Finance. The KP HCC works through its Headquarters in the provincial capital and five Regional Offices. Following are the senior team members:
Dr. Nadeem Akhtar
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Shafa Haider Sawal
Director Operations (Addiotnal Responsibility)
Director Quality
Dr. Shafa Haider Sawal
Director Registration
Mohsin Ali Turk
Director Legal Affairs
Javed Khan Afridi
Chief Financial Officer
Director Licensing